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Q patriots are holding the line, but they hate it when Trump endorses the jab

[Trump was booed in Alabama when he endorsed the jab]

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Q patriots are sure we’ve all been lied to about everything. Since 1945, at []


Lonely Q patriots, shunned by family, at least have each other as the storm approaches

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Q patriots can at least turn to each other as the storm []

Influential antisemitic account ‘GhostEzra’ identified as Florida Man, naturally

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How’s everyone feeling this []

Why take the Dumbocrat experimental vaccine when you can experiment with horse drugs?

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Q patriots stock up on horse medicine to fight the fake Dumbocrat []

My family is putting my Q-loving ass through an intervention, but I’m holding the line!

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When Mr. CNN thinks you need an intervention, it’s no time to give up the []

When Lindell and Wiles turn on each other, who can a Q patriot turn to?

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The jab continues to kill everyone you []

Ron ‘Q’ Watkins: Ignore Kabul, it’s just to distract from the Arizona audit!

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These hoaxes the Dumbocrats keep sending at us are []

While wondering if Taliban are the good guys, Q patriot women deride their own hesitant men

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Q patriots wonder, could the Taliban actually be the good []

Chemtrails, snowstorms, wildfires: Q patriots wonder what Dumbocrats will send at them next

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Chemtrails, snowstorms, wildfires: Q patriots wonder what the satanic Dumbocrats will send at them []

While the hopium wears off for some, don’t discount how many Q patriots are diehards

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It’s hard to believe that this is going on []