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Joe Rogan takes horse dewormer for Covid case, proving we live in the dumbest era ever

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Q patriots are not happy with []


Q patriots: If the military has time machines and med beds, why does this timeline suck?

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Imagined government time machines make for a fun diversion. Or maybe not, as Q patriots are getting increasingly frustrated while waiting for the []

Trump may oppose mandates, but it’s killing Q patriots that he continues to endorse the jab

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Trump may oppose mandates, but it’s still killing Q patriots that he continues to endorse the jab at []

Patriot struggle: How to stock the bunker when hubby thinks you’re nuts & hides the debit card

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Q patriots discuss how best to stock up before the end of []

Armed conspiracy nuts threatening violence? Remember, it’s always the Dems’ fault

[Don’t blame Q Shaman, it’s all the fault of the Democrats for being so mean, says Boston Review]

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It’s tough, as a patriot, sifting through all the “comms” coming your []

Q patriots wonder, could Jen Psaki secretly be on our side?

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I saw this, now you have to as well.

— Mike Rothschild (no relation) (@rothschildmd) August 28, 2021


1/ Who is behind the recent ivermectin craze? A TIME investigation looked at one of its biggest promoters: a right-wing anti-vaccine group that []

Q patriot wonders, why did Trump surrender to Biden?

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The waiting is so []

If there was nothing to Q, would they attack us like this, patriot asks

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Listen []

It’s a ‘Freedom Shot’: Combating disinfo so patriots will take the jab

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‼️ Whoa! The FCC just announced a massive $5 million fine for illegal robocalling against conspiracy theorists John Burkman and Jacob Wohl

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— Cristiano Lima-Strong (@viaCristiano) August 24, 2021

In “Hatescape: An In-Depth Analysis of Extremism and Hate Speech on TikTok,” []

Q patriots encourage booing of Trump’s promotion of the jab

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Boo, damn you, []