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Breitbart: Libs like Howard Stern are mocking unvaccinated so patriots won’t take the jab

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Dumbocrats are criticizing patriots for not getting the vaccine because they know that patriots want to own the libs so bad, they will do the opposite of whatever Dumbocrats tell them to do, but really the Dumbs are using reverse psychology because they WANT patriots to die of Covid. Um, []


Q patriots prepare for Armaggedon: ‘Got my fire arms ready and I’ll fight even my family!!’

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“Got my fire arms ready and I’ll fight even my []

All right, the ‘Jan 6’ protest was a bust — Hey, but at least JFK Jr managed to make the scene

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Q patriots wonder if their lives have been scripted, and it makes them wax []

Press reports that today’s ‘Justice for J6’ rally will be violent or a dud. Which will it be?

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Oh sure, Fauci wants to booster the boomers into []

Q patriots and anti-vaxxers keep recycling racist medieval blood myths for fun and profit

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Their blood is []

Mom’s a Q patriot: A new video of Q Shaman, and terrified kids in Texas

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Brave kid.

"Teens turn to COVID-19 vaccine advocacy as most state laws prohibit minors from being vaccinated without consent"

— Travis View (@travis_view) September 15, 2021


Approximately 2 weeks after January 6th, Jacob Chansley AKA the QAnon Shaman's mom released []

Q patriots, who assume the military is behind them, react to Gen Milley revelation

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A forthcoming book claims that after the January 6 insurrection, General Milley, concerned about the state of Trump’s mind, took action to secure our nuclear arsenal without his knowledge for the last two weeks of the Trump presidency. (One of the touchstones of QAnon is that the military is secretly []

Banned? Throttled? Get your conspiracy on at TikTok, patriot

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It’s a difficult word to spell.


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 Get the jab, patriots.


News in QAnon world today: Veronica Wolski, a Covid denier known for hanging QAnon signs on bridges, died of Covid last night. QAnon believers, led by Lin Wood, had been deluging the hospital with []

Q patriots have seen the enemy, and it’s wearing scrubs

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Until the med beds get here, there’s no trusting the []

While you were reflecting on 9/11, here’s what the Q patriots were wondering

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The anniversary of the 9/11 attacks was a somber day of serious reflection for everyone. Well, except for Q []