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Q patriots have proof that clones are replacing famous people — they saw it on Westworld

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Sometimes Q patriots need to work out the details of what we’re up []


SPLC warns about a growing ultra-right anti-democratic coalition in the US

[Rod of Iron: The ultra Right is getting very weird]

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Patriots consider Steve Bannon’s claim that Trump will return as president in []

The satanic overlords are going to turn you into human batteries any day now, Q patriots!

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Q patriots never run out of ways that the elites are trying to turn us into something []

Q patriots sound the alarm about shedding: You vaccinated Dumbocrats are the real problem

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You vaccinated Dumbocrats are the real []

Q patriots are convinced every school shooting is a put-on by gun-grabbing Dumbocrats

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Q patriots never saw a school shooting they couldn’t label a fantasy made up by lying []

Q patriots yearn for a future where everyone can hate the satanic Dumbocrats in unity

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It’s not bad enough the satanic Dumbocrats are torturing and eating children in underground bases. It’s costing Q patriots their friends, []

Q patriots deal with disappointment after Facebook survives a global outage

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Q patriots were sure the Facebook outage yesterday was a sign of the coming storm. And then Facebook []

Facebook whistleblower includes QAnon as harmful content recommended by the platform

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The whistleblower comes []

QAnon, Frontline Doctors, and the vaccine: Is the storm finally here, patriots?

[QAnon figure InTheMatrixxx and Dr. Stella ‘alien DNA’ Immanuel]

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Justice Kavanaugh tests positive for Covid-19, and patriots are ready with their extensive medical []

All signs point to it: Q is winning, say patriots!

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We’re winning, []