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The usual misinfo channels: Travis Scott ‘Astroworld’ tragedy was a mass Satanic ritual

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Q patriots []


Some tension bubbles up between the New Age and Born Again wings of Q’s online army

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Some tension bubbles up between the New Age and Born Again wings of Q’s online []

Q patriots debate: If parents get kids vaccinated against Covid, is it Trump’s fault?

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Dr. Shane Huntington is a physicist in Melbourne who raises money for children’s charities and promotes vaccination. His 14-year-old son developed a rare side effect to the Pfizer Covid vaccine but is now doing fine, and Huntington announced that he was also going to get his 9 year old vaccinated []

Meet the dude who convinced hundreds to go to Dallas to see JFK Jr.

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Rudy puts out a sloppy tweet, two Q drops from 2017 are remembered, and the patriots are off to the []

Q patriots can’t decide which day this week Trump is returning to the White House

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The only question is which day this week Trump will be back in the White []

With Aaron Rodgers as the new unvaxxed hero, can Q patriots finally like the NFL again?

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With Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers as the new unvaxxed hero, can Q patriots finally like the NFL []

JFK and John-John were no-shows in Dallas: Q patriots refuse to be discouraged

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Q patriots wrestle with JFK Jr’s no-show yesterday in []

DALLAS TODAY: JFK Jr becomes president, Trump anointed God, and thousands are ready!

[Reports of JFK Jr at Mt. Rushmore preempted by his glorious return in Dealey Plaza today]

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Q patriots debate whether today’s election in Virginia has already been stolen by the satanic []

It’s just a few harmless conspiracy nuts online, right? Nothing to worry about, right?

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Vaccinated libturds are the []

Patriots reminisce about first discovering Q, and are wistful about the future

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Q patriots look back at where they’ve []