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That feeling when your universe-spanning alien conspiracy turns out to be a rock

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New spy film ‘355’ gets dumped to theaters in January, Hollywood’s traditional graveyard for turkeys, but Q patriots are sure it means the storm is coming, or []


And now she’s gone: Q patriots lose another warrior against the hoax virus

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Our researcher told us about Q-flavored YouTuber Cirsten W’s struggle with Covid for a recent post, remarking that they were stunned at her support: Tens of thousands of Q patriots were concerned about her, but there was really no mention of her in the non-Q press. []

A year later: A date living in infamy that we’re still coming to grips with

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A four-year-old gets hit with gunfire and Q patriots get a chance to show their caring and []

Q patriots scramble for news about one of their own hit with the hoax virus

[Cirsten W (right) interviewing Roseanne Barr in October]

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Q patriots are concerned about one of their own, Cirsten W, who has been refusing treatments in the hospital. Anyone have access to her []

Q patriots express some divided opinions about Marjorie Taylor Greene: Fighter, or RINO?

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Marjorie Taylor Greene might have been booted off of Twitter for her antics, but Q patriots seem divided about her loyalty to the []

The bros in crypto have things totally under control, people

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Just some Q patriots calmly discussing race relations in the US of []

As Boulder burns, Q patriots exhibit their Christian compassion

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As Boulder burns, Q patriots exhibit their Christian []

Q patriots: Betty White was executed at 99 for being part of Hollywood satanic cabal, clearly

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Betty White was executed at 99 because she was part of the Hollywood satanic cabal. Wake up, []

Q patriots prepare for a new year high in spirits and pure in, er, blood

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Q patriots go into 2022 glad for their pure []

Q patriots react to the Ghislaine Maxwell guilty verdicts

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Q patriots react to the Ghislaine Maxwell guilty []