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Convoy stalled, Truth Social stalled, while Q patriots keep eating out of Vlad’s hand

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It’s a Q []


A Q-infested convoy’s coming to DC today with no plan and no solid idea what it stands for

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Q patriots are thankful they have each other to get through the hoax pandemic and now the hoax “war” in Ukraine, with the satanic Dumbocrat cabal pretending that Vlad is a bad []

Q patriots feel sorry for ‘normie’ friends who don’t get that Vlad is the good guy here

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Q patriots feel sorry for their “normie” friends who don’t get that Vlad is the good guy []

Q patriots have a Ukraine conspiracy theory to fuel their Putin admiration

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Q patriots continue to support their man Vlad by spreading wild conspiracies about Ukraine because, well, that’s what it means to be a []

Q patriots: There is no war in Ukraine. Also Q patriots: Root for Putin to destroy the cabal!

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Is your Q patriot uncle telling you there is no war going on in Ukraine, or is he not denying the war but rooting for Putin against the []

Ukraine disinfo is rampant, but Q patriots, at least, are hopeful the end of the world is nigh

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Q patriots are still rooting on their man Vlad Putin, but they’re also encouraged by the invasion of Ukraine as a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Shock and awe, []

Q patriots discover Zelensky’s past as an actor and now they’re totally confused

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Q patriots are still trying to make sense of the situation in []

Q patriots and convoy cowboys are disappointed that Ukraine is getting all the attention

 Some links to Q-related items today…

For Q patriots who admire Vlad Putin the news out of Ukraine has been uncomfortable. Can’t we just get back to the []

Satanic Dumbocrats reveal supremely qualified pick for Supremes and Q patriots rage

 Some links to Q-related items today…

The satanic Dumbocrats revealed their supremely qualified pick to join the Supremes, and Q patriots are []

While Q patriots root for Putin, Ukrainians showing their mettle against invasion

 Before we turn to the Q insanity, a look at a brave leader and his metal-as-fuck []