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Why Q patriots are supporting Vlad’s genocidal attack on Ukraine

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We’ve been warning folks since 2020 about Scientologist attorney Leigh Dundas, but Q patriots are just getting around to figuring out something is weird about a Scientologist headlining Christian nationalist Nuremberg []


Ohio Q patriot: Space Force will overturn 2020 election and restore Trump

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Q patriots are still fighting the 2020 election, so when Trump says this stuff it always throws them for a []

There’s a perfectly good reason for Fox News going so goofy about Disney

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We thought sure this was an April Fool’s prank. But apparently not. Sarah Palin is []

Q patriots open up new fronts in the war: Pro sports, and the Obama library

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Their friends and family may not appreciate it, but Q patriots are here to save the world from satanic Dumbocrats, and it’s a heavy []

Q patriots are disappointed that Cawthorn is not draining the swamp after all

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Q patriots are disappointed that Cawthorn is not draining the swamp after []

Cawthorn throws Q-flavored allegations at his GOP colleagues, and Q patriots love it

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Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s comments that the GOP caucus in DC is awash in orgies and blow is getting him serious blowback, but the Q patriots think he’s on to []

Jan 6 committee zeroing in on White House calls as a storm seems to be coming, all right

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 This seems []

With convoy leaving DC for California, Q patriots weigh its accomplishments

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Q patriots come to grips with the news that the DC convoy is packing up and heading back to []

Mining the QAnon fever dreams of Ginni Thomas and the GOP

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Ginni Thomas, it turns out, was inspired by an even kookier Q patriot than []

His tanks may be tanking, but Vlad is winning info war, thanks to Fox News

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 With the help of Fox News, Vlad is turning the []