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Marjorie Taylor Greene: Joining the US military is ‘throwing your life away’

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Q patriots are still trying to deal with Trump endorsing Dr. Oz for the Senate in Pennsylvania. []


New QAnon theory: You’re being vaccinated with Satan’s DNA through tapwater

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Q patriots, naturally, are skeptical that a shooting actually occurred in the subway in Brooklyn []

The JFK guy reaches a milestone as Q world keeps up the crazy

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Trump asks ‘Want me to run again?’ and Q patriots, who think he’s still prez, are furious

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Every time Trump talks about running again (rather than revealing he’s still the president), it sets off Q []

While waiting for JFK to return, Q patriots are making sure your ballot is a scream

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 Trump backs []

Vaccines, climate change, Ukraine: What Q patriots have to disbelieve getting unwieldy

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Vaccines, climate change, war in Ukraine: The list of things on their TV sets that Q patriots have to disbelieve is getting unwieldy. But the important thing is to hold the line against the satanic []

Lethal virus making another run in the US, and Q patriots can’t imagine why they should care

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Lethal virus making another run in the US, and Q patriots can’t imagine why they should []

Sometimes a Q patriot just needs a little affirmation while waiting for the storm

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Sometimes a Q patriot just needs a little affirmation while waiting for the []

The ADL traces the ‘biolab’ disinfo to its root — a tweeter in rural Virginia

[Biolab tweeter Jacob Creech, lower right]

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Watch out for them carnivores at the []

How the Ivermectin crew is doing since studies debunked it as a Covid cure

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Anna Merlan takes a look at how Ivermectin promoters are doing now that it’s been debunked as a Covid []