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The QAnon-friendly, ultra-MAGA candidate causing GOP heartburn in Pennsylvania

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Q patriots still aren’t buying your hoax ‘virus,’ satanic []


Q candidates running for your village council? How about leading a primary for governor

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Crypto is going great, []

Elon says he’ll restore Trump to Twitter, and Q patriots rejoiceth

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Elon is giving the Q patriots []

Trump vindicated: New MAGA documentary nails Atlanta men for voting while black

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Yes, this thing is still going. Although we don’t think that word ‘infamous’ means what they think it []

Congress candidate suddenly forgets he painted Q tribute on his Trump lawn

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Congressional candidate wants to erase his QAnon []

GOP wackadoos turn from abortion to the next product of the devil’s work: Contraception!

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Will other parts of the country find out too late that they have a Q nut on the []

While the left bellyaches about abortion, Q patriots keep things in perspective

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While the left is bellyaching about the Supreme Court and abortion, Q patriots keep things in []

Warm and fuzzies: Q patriots waxing about slaughter of satanic Dumbocrat neighbors

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When Q patriots think about how they’re all in this together, and all the satanic Dumbocrats in their neighborhoods are going to be slaughtered, they get the warm and []

Another QAnon US Representative? The pilled candidate who is a step closer to Congress

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The hunt []

New study: People crave online misinformation, they aren’t tricked into it

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For those Q patriots who don’t think JFK is still alive, his assassination is still fertile ground for conspiracies, of []