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Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 1: Shattering the suppression from a 15-year-old

 In 1950, a well known writer for the pulps, L. Ron Hubbard, announced that he had figured out the meaning of existence. In his book published that year, Dianetics, he revealed that the thing propelling all life was the compulsion to []


Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 2: Achieving godhood

 We’re now coming to the top of Tom Cruise’s superpowers that he’s picked up with his dedication to Scientology for more than 30 years. []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 3: Resisting between-life amnesia

 We’re continuing to count down Tom Cruise’s abilities and powers after decades in the Church of Scientology, and now we’re reaching the really potent stuff. []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 4: Destroying a planet with the touch of a finger

 We’re continuing our countdown of Tom Cruise’s abilities that he would have gained as a high-level Scientologist, and now we need to turn to something rather []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 5: Leaving his body with full perception

 We’re still counting down Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, and this time we’ve reached a biggie. []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 6: Resuscitating the recently deceased

 Continuing with our countdown of the superpowers that Tom Cruise has attained after his decades in Scientology, we reach something so special you’d think Mr. Top Gun would have crowed about it by []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 7: Pulling in objects with tractor beams

 We’re continuing to count down the superpowers that Tom Cruise should have attained after being a dedicated OT Scientologist for years and years. []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 8: Recovering unspeakable acts from the past

 You are probably aware that evangelicals who are “young-Earth Creationists” figure that our planet is only about 6,000 years old, right? But were you aware that Scientology is notable because it also has a pretty warped idea about the age of our universe — except in the other []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 9: Mocking up an automobile out of thin air

 We’ve been counting down the Scientology superpowers that Tom Cruise can expect as an OT Scientologist and million-dollar []

Tom Cruise’s Scientology superpowers, No. 10: Drying out from space coke

 We’ve been counting down the Scientology superpowers that Tom Cruise can expect as an OT Scientologist and million-dollar donor.

One of our favorite Scientology superpowers is something we learned about a few years ago, and we think it’s been criminally undercovered by the []