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This Halloween, Scientology is up to its old tricks again

[An Ideal Haunted House, maybe]

While we’ve been very busy with the Danny Masterson trial here in Los Angeles, we have managed to keep up on a few other stories that are developing. And one has really hit a critical []


Scientology’s homophobia: Checking in with Derek Bloch 10 years after we first met him

[Derek and Sal]

Ten years ago this week, we wrote about Derek Bloch for the first time at the Village Voice. He helped us tell the story of how he had been kicked out of the Sea Org as a teenager and then disowned by his own family when he revealed that he was gay. In []

Scientology celebrity Catherine Bell’s July 4th was on fire!

[Don’t tread on Penny Atwell Jones]

Penny Atwell Jones is an OT 8 Scientologist who has a way of drawing attention to herself. She’s appeared in a couple of stories here, and she tends to get a little news coverage these days as one of the president’s most enthusiastic []

Scientology’s social media effort tries so hard to distract you from what’s really going on

 Scientology is pumping out more propaganda than ever, not only with its DirecTV channel, but also with a steady stream of social media that must be costing the church a fortune to []