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Fed up with Scientology disconnection? Be there to dedicate the new ‘Call Me’ billboard Feb. 18

 It’s one of the things we’ve heard from people who watched Leah Remini’s A&E series Scientology and the Aftermath — what can I do about the abuses that Leah exposed on her []


Putting back a family ripped apart by Scientology can be easier said than done

[Claudio Lugli and his son Flavio, in 1990]

On Thursday, we told you about what appeared to be a new development in Scientology’s “disconnection” policy that rips apart families. Like so many other parents, Claudio and Renata Lugli have not heard from their son Flavio in years because they chose to leave the Church of Scientology []

Scientology, why are you keeping a cancer patient from seeing his only daughter?

 Bernie Headley sounded really good on the phone. And he says for now, he feels good. The lung cancer he was diagnosed with in 2004 went into remission after he had a partial lung removal. It came back in 2014, but radiation treatments seem to have made that dormant as well. But then lesions started []

The new ‘disconnection’ billboard on Sunset Blvd is going to be a Valentine to Scientology

 Previously, Phil Jones revealed the location of his newest “Call Me” anti-disconnection billboard in Los Angeles that will call attention to the Church of Scientology’s practice of splitting up []

Disconnection, neglect, and suicide: Scientology, it’s even worse than you think

[Marie Bilheimer]

We first heard from Marie Bilheimer more than a year ago. Like so many other former members of the Church of Scientology, she wanted to communicate with us even though she wasn’t ready to go public with her story. []

How Liz Gale came to disconnect from her own mother, Scientology style

 “Today I cut ties with my mother, the most dedicated Scientologist I know.”

That’s how Liz Gale opened an essay published last month at former Scientology spokesman Mike Rinder’s []

Scientology’s ‘disconnection’ policy gets sacrificed on the Burning Man altar

 We heard from a special correspondent who sent us photos from this year’s Burning Man event at Black Rock City, Nevada. []

How Scientology split up teen sweethearts who reunited more than 40 years later

 On Sunday, The Spokesman-Review, a newspaper in Spokane, Washington, published a touching story about high school sweethearts who were forced apart and then finally, after more than 40 years, reunited and got []

BILLBOARD UP IN FLORIDA: Scientology ‘disconnection’ on view near Clearwater ‘mecca’

 We just got word from Phil and Willie Jones. Their second “Call Me” billboard just went up in Largo, Florida, bringing attention to Scientology’s “disconnection” policy just a few miles from where the church has its international spiritual “mecca” in the town of []

‘Call Me’ says their billboard — and their daughter in Scientology did just that

[Phil Jones and his daughter Emily]

 Phil and Willie Jones, the Las Vegas couple who got a lot of press for raising the money to put up a billboard in Los Angeles bringing attention to Scientology’s “disconnection” policy, have arrived in Florida this week for the unveiling of a new billboard in the town of Clearwater, []