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Jury selection in the Danny Masterson retrial: Today, the attorneys take over

[Defense attorney Shawn Holley and Deputy DA Reinhold Mueller]

It’s Day 4 at the Danny Masterson retrial in Los Angeles, and Judge Charlaine Olmedo has indicated that she’s hoping she can get a jury seated by the end of the day so we can take tomorrow []


Judge Olmedo begins quizzing prospective jurors in the Danny Masterson retrial

 It’s Day Three of the Danny Masterson retrial in Los Angeles, and jury selection is going to start getting a lot more involved. In the first two days, Judge Charlaine Olmedo had four sets of prospective jurors fill out questionnaires. Today, she’ll begin quizzing them individually about their []

Day one at the Danny Masterson retrial was wild, what’s in store for day two?

[Attorney Shawn Holley and former Sea Org official Claire Headley]

We had wondered how the Danny Masterson retrial might be different than the first trial, which ended in a hung jury on November 30. And wow, on day one of the retrial yesterday, we really got some confirmation that the differences could be pretty []

Danny Masterson, the retrial: Jury selection begins this morning and we’re on scene

[Masterson and his defense attorney, Philip Cohen]

Jury selection begins this morning in the Danny Masterson retrial at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in Los []

Danny Masterson wanted to delay trial to August: See how Judge Olmedo responded

[Judge Charlaine Olmedo and defendant Danny Masterson]

 Last week, there was a late-requested hearing in the Danny Masterson criminal case. Masterson wasn’t there, but his defense attorney Philip Cohen was, and he was asking for the April 17 retrial to be moved back to []

Judge Olmedo rules: Here are the details from the rulings on Danny Masterson’s retrial

 Yesterday Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo issued lengthy rulings about Danny Masterson’s retrial, which is now scheduled to start on April 17. Late in the afternoon, we gave you a quick rundown of the major issues she covered in those rulings, including her decision to allow the testimony of Claire Headley as a []

Here’s the prosecution’s witness list for the Danny Masterson retrial

[Can Deputy DA Reinhold Mueller’s new lineup put Masterson in prison?]

 At yesterday’s pretrial hearing, Danny Masterson’s prosecution and defense argued over what should be included and disallowed in his upcoming retrial, which is scheduled to begin jury selection on April []

Danny Masterson retrial: No, the DA is not putting less focus on Scientology

[Danny Masterson and Deputy DA Reinhold Mueller]

 We mentioned yesterday that we were in New York filming with a foreign news crew, and so we were not able to attend the pretrial hearing in Danny Masterson’s retrial that took place in a Los Angeles []

Chris Shelton talks again to the Masterson trial jury foreman — and his daughter

 I first heard from a woman in Los Angeles named Nina in []

The prosecution’s argument that won the day for a retrial of Danny Masterson

[Deputy DAs Ariel Anson and Reinhold Mueller. Photo by Meghann Cuniff]

On Tuesday, we were back in court to find out if Scientology celebrity and accused serial rapist Danny Masterson would get a retrial after his first trial ended on November 30 with a hung []