Alfreddie Johnson behind Louis Farrakhan and singer Stacy Francis at a Scientology Hollywood Celebrity Centre event, circa 2006
They had been sent out to Florida by Alfreddie Johnson’s Scientology front group, the World Literacy Crusade, and were led by WLC’s executive director, Hanan Islam, who told parents and teachers not to worry, she wouldn’t “push any religion” on the kids.
But soon enough, pupils at the Life Force Arts and Technology Academy were being herded into Scientology events at the Tampa org. Their course materials, meanwhile, were heavy on “Study Tech” from Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.
And even after the failing school had filed for bankruptcy, Islam made sure to siphon off tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money for the World Literacy Crusade back in California.
After Harwell’s devastating series of articles in the Tampa Bay Times, the school was shut down and Hanan Islam and the World Literacy Crusade were run out of town on a rail.
It wasn’t the first time Alfreddie’s front group had made news for dubious behavior. In 2008, Los Angeles Sheriff’s deputies were called in when about 100 angry people were protesting outside the World Literacy Crusade’s office because they had been sold vouchers for low-cost housing — some for up to $1,500 — which turned out to be fakes.
Always helping the little guy, that WLC.
Alfreddie Johnson is usually credited with bringing Isaac Hayes into Scientology, as well as forging the bizarre link between Scientology and Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. (For several years, Farrakhan has promoted 1950-era Dianetics to his followers, but despite that length of time, we haven’t seen much evidence that the two organizations are actually merging.)
And now, Alfreddie’s selfless group of do-gooders is heading to Sacramento on Tuesday, and we thought folks there should know.
It was bad enough that the gravy train in Florida was ruined by Harwell and the Times. Now those meddling journalists at CNN and their big investigation about Medi-Cal drug rehab fraud in California are apparently messing with some other pipeline of easy money that the World Literacy Crusade was sucking dry.According to its website, WLC offers drug rehab services modeled on Scientology’s drug rehab network, Narconon. But with California’s regulators suddenly freaking out over the CNN investigation, World Literacy Crusade’s vitamins-and-sauna racket has apparently suffered a loss in taxpayer money.
And that’s just a step too far! So Alfreddie and the gang are going up to Sacramento in a couple of vans on Tuesday to show the politicians there that they’re hopping mad and they’re not going to take it anymore!
Here, read about it yourself in this call to action. This message was first posted at the World Literacy Crusade’s Facebook page, and then it was re-posted by Alfreddie Johnson, who helpfully added some names in brackets…
We are under attack! Substance abuse services are illegally being withheld from the youth of black and brown communities!!
Mtg set for Tues at 3pm. 1500 Capitol Ave, (corner of 15th and Capitol) 6th. Floor Rm. 72.426. Sacramento
Rev. [Alfreddie] Johnson, Min. Tony Muhammad and I, [Dr. Hanan Islam] will go to Sacramento to meet with our State Reps.
Two vans full of supporters will be coming. We need political muscle, our clergy reps, community activists, parents, educators and anyone else who cares about the future of our youth to show up to initiate query into why so many black agencies are being Shut down and treated as criminals prior to any wrong doing being proven?
Why are youth being denied drug and alcohol services which are federally protected, entitlement programs without any legislature being initiated?
Why are parents of our clients being asked by medi-cal investigators what their immigration status is?
This is NOT about the so-called “Investigation into Med-cal Fraud” that is being spun in the media and at the end of the day those who are most vulnerable are the voiceless youth dying in our community on a regular basis!!
We take our job seriously. We only exist to serve and unfortunately the 500 youth we have been servicing are suffering along with those serviced by 21 other agencies who have been “Temporarily Suspended” with no funding to deliver!! where is all the money going that has been withheld from these agencies?
Shields for families is the largest program in our area and they refer youth suffering from substance abuse to us!
Where are these babies supposed to go?
Pass the word. Tweet, post on FB, blog, announce it from the pulpit, hour radio/TV show, get the word out to anyone with a voice. Call their State assemblyman, Senators and Congressman to ask them to ask the tough questions of the State Dept of Health Services. They are ignoring our questions, so someone must speak on behalf of these children!
Go to findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov and put your zip code in. Take ACTION!
Now, we certainly do not like to hear that people who need drug rehab services are being denied care. But given the track record of Alfreddie Johnson and Hanan Islam, we would be absolutely shocked if anything in the World Literacy Crusade’s message was even remotely close to the truth.
But still! A march on Sacramento! In bow ties and with e-meters! Well, maybe not e-meters. But we only wish we could be there to see two vanloads of angry Scientology and Nation of Islam hucksters hit up California politicians about this stuff. That’s gotta be a party.
Monique Rathbun Hearing Update
For those who enjoyed seeing Debbie Cook testify about “The Hole” last year in San Antonio, we have some bad news. We’ve been told that Judge Dib Waldrip will allow cameras in the courtroom for Thursday’s hearing in Monique Rathbun’s lawsuit against the Church of Scientology, but not for witness testimony.
We think you’ll still get a pretty thorough report on what gets said in the courtroom, but there’s nothing like videotaped testimony, and we’re disappointed about this decision.
Posted by Tony Ortega on September 9, 2013 at 07:00
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