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Tommy Davis & Jessica Feshbach: New Jobs and New Lives for Scientology’s Former Mouthpieces

Tommy_JessicaWe hear it all the time — what happened to Tommy Davis and Jessica Feshbach?

There still seems to be a huge fascination for the two former Scientology media handlers, and why not? Take Tommy — he’s the good-looking son of actress Anne Archer, and for a few years he was thrust into prominence as the church’s main mouthpiece. He tangled with the likes of BBC reporter John Sweeney and New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright, and was the last Scientology official who would brave live television to do battle on behalf of the church.

Jessica, meanwhile, gained her own notoriety as the shadow of Katie Holmes. The two became good friends, and Jessica was with Katie around the clock in part to shield the actress from nosy reporters and their impertinent questions about Tom Cruise and e-meters.

And then, suddenly, the two vanished. What happened?

Well, for one thing, they got married. And at some point — perhaps early in 2011 — they apparently fell from favor, as high executives working for Scientology leader David Miscavige have a tendency to do. We’re still not sure what ruined Tommy with Miscavige, but it’s a good guess that Lawrence Wright’s February 2011 New Yorker article, “The Apostate,” may have been the clincher. (Wright demolished Tommy’s statements about L. Ron Hubbard’s war record.)

Davis and Feshbach went off the radar at that point — we reported last October when the two of them were removed from Scientology’s media relations page.


At the time, we heard that the reason the two had vanished was that Jessica was gravely ill.

It turns out, that wasn’t true.

Jessica wasn’t ill, and she has told friends that she doesn’t know how that rumor got started.

The couple did leave Scientology’s Sea Org and their jobs as spokespersons, but we hear they’re still members of the church itself.

And now we can report they’re both doing well in new careers after moving to Austin, Texas.

Jessica Feshbach Davis is now an agent at Wilson Goldrick Realtors. Here, see for yourself…


We called her some time ago, but for some reason she didn’t want to talk to us.

Meanwhile, her husband landed his own plum spot.

And he’s now known as Thomas Davis.

Thomas is a new managing director at Colony Capital, one of the largest private equity real estate funds in the world.


The Santa Monica company was started in 1991 by investor Thomas J. Barrack, Jr. Recently, the company has been buying up thousands of foreclosed homes in places like South Florida.

We e-mailed Thomas, hoping he’d tell us what his job entails, but he hasn’t gotten back to us yet. We’ll let you know if he does.

After talking to many former Sea Org members, we know how hard it can be to adapt to life outside the insular world of Scientology. Thomas and Jessica are both talented people from wealthy families who should do well. But we’d sure like to hear how the transition is going. Hey, you two, drop us a line!


Posted by Tony Ortega on June 12, 2013 at 07:00

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