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Radio Daze: Talking Scientology with John Hines of WCCO

We’re tracking down some interesting stories on this holiday weekend, and should be able to post some fascinating dox very soon. In the meantime, we thought we’d plague you with our latest radio appearance.

WCCO’s John Hines

WCCO in Minneapolis has had us on a couple of times before, and it’s always been a great experience. The radio station’s hosts really ask great questions and take the time to get into the subject of Scientology in satisfying detail.

In this case, John Hines wanted to get into the full story about how the Lisa McPherson case has come back into the news 17 years after her death. It’s a complex story, but John really hung in with us as we tried to lay it out in its complexity. Our thanks to him for the opportunity to blather on for so long!


[Link to WCCO’s podcast.]

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