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Michael Lewis (Johnny’s Dad) Scheduled for Scientology Event Tonight

We can only hope that Michael Lewis — Operating Thetan Level Eight and Homo Novis Übermensch — will see fit to cancel his appearance at a scheduled “Admin Scale Workshop” that is scheduled for Scientologists at the Advanced Org Los Angeles tonight at 6 pm.

Lewis is a gung-ho Hubbard enthusiast, and helps run a Valley mission. But we’re feeling very sympathetic for what he’s gone through this week after his son, Sons of Anarchy actor Johnny Lewis, apparently ran amok, killed his landlady, and ripped apart her cat. The 28-year-old then leapt or fell off his landlady’s roof and the impact killed him.

As we pointed out yesterday, Johnny was born into Scientology, and his parents are both OT 8’s — which means they each spent about $300,000 to $400,000 over many years in order to reach Scientology’s highest level of spiritual attainment, and reportedly gained such abilities as clairvoyance, imperviousness to disease, and the skill to leave their bodies and affect simple matter.

Unfortunately, they were unable to prevent their son’s slide into drug abuse and/or madness. But they wouldn’t be the only parents who were helpless to stop a child’s deterioration.

We feel for the Lewis family. (Honest, we really do.) And we can only hope that Scientology will let him off the hook for his scheduled event tonight. Will our LA tipsters let us know whether Michael gets the night off?


Seriously, someone give the guy the night off. He’s been through enough.


— Dana Kennedy examines the relationship between Tom Cruise and Scientology leader David Miscavige in a great new piece for The Hollywood Reporter. We only wish she’d included what John Brousseau — someone who watched the two men up close — told us about their lopsided dynamic: “Tom Cruise worships David Miscavige like a god,” he said.

McAlester News-Capital reporter Jeanne LeFlore stays on the Narconon Arrowhead story with news of two more lawsuits which are expected to be filed by the families of patients who were found dead at Scientology’s flagship drug rehab center.

(Our thanks to our great tipsters, who continue to send us Scientology’s mailers and come-ons. Tomorrow, we’ll have plenty more as Sunday Funnies makes its return!)

UPDATE: Thank you, Simi, for calling and learning that Michael has the night off. That is as it should be.

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