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Trans icon Kate Bornstein on Trump’s anti-trans executive order

In the wake of President Trump’s first-day executive order denying the existence of trans people in the United States, we reached out to legendary trans activist, good friend to the Underground Bunker, and former Scientology first mate Kate Bornstein for their thoughts on this political moment. They not only penned this response, but also uploaded it to their brand new Substack. Please give it a look.

I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and saw a great big bulls-eye on my chest. President Trump is calling upon the United States government to wipe out everything gendery about me. That would be all my life’s work, the hurdles and challenges I’ve overcome on my seven decades old journey to become the not-man, not-woman gender outlaw I am today.

Continue reading Trans icon Kate Bornstein on Trump’s anti-trans executive order
