Some links to Q-related items today
Continue reading Libturds wake up with dread: What’s he going to do today?
Continue reading MAGA: Airplanes are crashing because Black people, women, have jobs
Continue reading First commercial airline disaster in 16 years jolts an already on-edge country
Continue reading Q patriots celebrate while libturd Dumbocrats weep at Trump chaos
Continue reading Trump wants a tariff on semiconductors because trade wars are so cool
Continue reading Trump in Vegas: Going to expand size of US, serve three or four terms
Continue reading Latinos who voted for Trump are now scrambling for cover
Continue reading The Trump lean: Nice state you got here, pity if something happened to it
Continue reading Killing green power to own the libs: The storm is here!
Continue reading God emperor: Roars like a lion, whimpers at criticism from a liberal bishop