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Trump chooses QAnon fan Patel to head FBI, libturd Dumbocrats in the crosshairs

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Q patriots are ready for the stuffing and roasting of libturds

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Libturds whine about a post-truth MAGA world where nothing matters anymore

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MAGA plan to sell government for parts begins with the US Navy

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Q patriots are certain that libturds will see that they were right all along

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Can Q patriots invite libturd family members to Christmas this year?

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Q patriots still counting on predictions of mass libturd executions any day now

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Libturds can cry in their milk as Q patriots crunch the government down to size

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Q moms celebrate the Man of the Century at Mar-a-Lago

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Gaetz out, Bondi in, and more fights coming for picks, but MAGA is confident

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