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The White House is bluffing when it threatens witnesses over ‘executive privilege’

[Fiona Hill]

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

The White House has been thuggishly waving around what it calls “executive privilege” like the sword of Damocles over the heads of testifying witnesses before Congress, such as the recently resigned Fiona []


What the Trey Gowdy debacle tells us about Trump as a nightmare client

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

[Regarding this story: Inside Trump’s Botched Attempt to Hire Trey []

Trump got judge-splained about his tax returns in thorough 134-page appellate opinion

[Judge David S. Tatel]

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

While the Second Circuit prepares to hear the question of whether New York can subpoena Trump’s tax returns (against Trump’s defense that he’s immune as President), the DC Circuit has just weighed in on whether Congress can subpoena Trump’s []

It’s worth your time to read Marie Yovanovitch’s statement before the House today

[Marie Yovanovitch]

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

It’s worth your time to read Marie Yovanovitch’s prepared statement before her closed testimony before the House today. She was fired because she had the integrity to stand in the way of a bad-faith investigation Trump and Giuliani wanted opened on []

Chinatown street formalism, with noodles

 We’re big fans of attorney Scott Pilutik’s New York street photography. He posted a stunner today we thought you’d like to []

Appeals court denies Trump over tax returns, Trump appointee dissents

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

134 page (which I’ve only skimmed) 2-1 appellate opinion in the other case concerning Trump’s tax returns (last week’s was in a NY fed court, this one is in DC fed court). Upshot is that Congress is well within its constitutional rights []

SS White House: How many torpedoes can hit this sinking ship in a single day?

[Barr and Murdoch]

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

Just yesterday:

— Giuliani’s cronies Parnas and Fruman arrested, entangled every which way in impeachment issue and []

Giuliani’s Ukrainian cronies — ‘Stupid Watergate’ just found its burglars

[Igor Fruman (left) and Lev Parnas]

Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

I’ve read the indictment of two Giuliani cronies, arrested as they were evidently attempting to flee the country, and Rick Hasen’s summary is []

White House complaints over Pelosi not holding a vote for inquiry is just a dodge

 Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

The crux of the White House’s impeachment push-back (as expressed in yesterday’s Pat Cipollone letter) is that the House’s inquiry is illegitimate because it didn’t vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry, which robs Trump’s of his due process rights. There have been []

White House rejects impeachment inquiry with precious 8-page letter, hilarity ensues

 Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

The White House today dropped an eight-page letter from White House counsel Pat Cipollone, announcing the White House’s refusal to cooperate with the House’s impeachment inquiry because of a series of not-at-all relevant reasons. Most lawyers will recognize the letter as the []