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For Q patriots, the horror is… Their kids learning kindness and caring

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Anything but kindness and caring. Anything but []


The GOP is going to prevent stolen elections by…stealing elections

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Militias, learning from ‘Volunteer Ministers’ and showing up to help at disasters?

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 A militia to the []

9/11: Trump knows how to throw the Q patriots a bone now and again

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Trump knows how to throw the Q patriots a bone now and []

Alex Jones says media is on trial, not him, while Trump says he’ll sue CNN

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Trump is tired of hearing about the “big []

Justice Dept confirms Trump under investigation; can Q patriots stick it out?

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Well, here we []

The new normal: Q candidates losing races and calling for recounts

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The new normal: Q candidates losing races and calling for recounts. []

Ron Watkins: Snubbed by both Trump and the Jan 6 committee? Harsh.

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The Jan 6 hearings have been pretty amazing. But no mention of Ron? What []

Q patriots wonder how monkeypox fits in the satanic libturd Dumbocrat ‘plandemic’

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Q patriots wonder how monkeypox fits in the satanic libturd Dumbocrat []

FBI arrests one of the vilest of trolls: Those who torment parents of murdered kids

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For Q patriots, anyone who dies under the age of 50 is obviously the victim of the satanic libturd Dumbocrats and their []