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Feds release photo of classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago, and, oh wow

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Q patriots have the highest respect for the law enforcement officials handling what was seized from []


For Q patriots, Trump is still president and always will be

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For Q patriots, Trump is still president and always will []

Q nuts: All the crazy is coming out at school board meetings

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Arizona has the best []

Q patriots bemoan the cowboys who are making them look bad

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Q patriots are not blind to how they are perceived and bemoan the cowboys who are making them look []

How disinfo sources like LibsOfTikTok provide fodder for Russian online campaigns

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How disinfo from LibsOfTikTok spreads around the []

The penthouse view: Jared Kushner thinks he’s going to live forever

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After her narrow defeat in a GOP primary in Florida, Congressional candidate and extreme right-winger Laura Loomer goes to her Telegram account to bemoan the state of the Republican []

With Fauci announcing that he’s stepping down, Q patriots consider his legacy

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With Fauci announcing that he’s stepping down, Q patriots consider his []

Florida dodges a bullet as Laura Loomer loses (but she refuses to concede, naturally)

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That was a close one, []

Play the ‘sovereign citizen’ game in court, patriots, and you always lose. Always.

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Play the sov cit game, patriots, and you always lose. []

Q patriots bemoan tough times, but still hope the military comes to the rescue

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Q patriots have faced some tough times, but they are still hoping the military comes to []