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Trump explains his OT powers: I can declassify documents with my mind

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It was a big day of losses for Donnie. []


Hardee’s manager: Lindell and FBI are lying, raid didn’t happen at our store

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A noticed difference at the most recent []

Q patriots: Trump’s body double has been awfully busy lately

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Some grifter moll made the King Grifter look bad? It must be a fake photo or a fake Trump, Q patriots []

‘It’s getting spicy’: Q patriots are amped at Trump’s encouragement

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Q patriots are sure the storm is coming this []

Q patriots delirious that Trump said only 45 presidents: He must be still in charge!

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Q patriots are celebrating that in yesterday’s rally in Youngstown Trump said there were only “45” presidents, a hint that he’s still in charge. []

The banks are collapsing! The chemtrails are gone! Grab crypto now, patriots!

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Get your cabbage outta the banks! The lack of chemtrails indicates the whole system is collapsing! Get into crypto before it’s too late, []

DeSantis’ Martha’s Vineyard stunt: Donations pour in to help, while Tucker goes on vile rant

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DeSantis’ Martha’s Vineyard stunt helps to prove the maxim, ‘the cruelty is the point.’ But while the locals embraced the migrants who were cruelly lied to about their destination, and donations poured in to help, Tucker Carlson went on a vile, racist []

As QAnon-related carnage continues, Trump fans the flames on social media

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As the carnage continues, Trump fans the []

The FBI seized Pillow Guy’s phone at a Hardee’s? What is the world coming to.

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The FBI seized Pillow Guy’s phone at a Hardee’s? What is the world coming []

Keith Olbermann spoils everyone’s fun: Trump meeting on golf course is just… a golf meeting

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Keith Olbermann spoils everyone’s fun: Trump’s ‘Sopranos’ meeting on the golf course is just… a golf []