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Q patriots are struggling with the results in Pennsylvania

[The victors, Shapiro and Fetterman]

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Q patriots were struggling with the results in []


Election deniers on the ballot? Intimidation schemes? Go out and vote anyway

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Purebloods, []

Q patriots have figured out why the military sent Hurricane Ian to devastate Florida

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Hurricane Ian was sent in by the military to destroy anti-trafficking organizations, which are actually fronts for trafficking organizations. []

Trump lashes out at ‘Ron DeSanctimonius,’ and Q patriots brace for infighting

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Q patriots confront the choice they might have to make between Trump and []

Elon’s Twitter is on fire, just in time for the midterms

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Elon’s Twitter is on fire, just in time for the []

Q patriots pinpoint the moment when the USA’s decline began

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It’s all gone to hell since women got the []

Jim Watkins struggling to keep Q’s birthplace online

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‘Be a Churchill, not a Chamberlain’: Oath Keepers founder’s message to 45 for after the []

DePape arraigned while the debunking of conspiracy theories about him goes on

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DePape was high on []

Pelosi attacker himself debunks conspiracy theories about him, to no avail

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Ted doesn’t want to own []

Elon’s conspiracy-theory reply to Hillary about Pelosi is so our dumb world

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 This guy can’t pick a []