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Q patriots use social media to expose satanic Dumbocrats for being addicted to social media

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Q patriots use social media to expose satanic libturd Dumbocrats for being addicted to social []


Q patriots are ready to roll into your neighborhood, libturds

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Mt Trumpmore: The treats for Q patriots just keep coming from 45 at Truth Social

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A real question from a real TV show in []

Trump confirms it at Truth Social: The storm is upon us, Q patriots!

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Trump confirms it at Truth Social: The storm is upon us, Q []

Q patriots aren’t sure what to think of Lisa Marie Presley’s sudden death

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Q patriots aren’t sure what to think of Lisa Marie Presley’s sudden []

The new McCarthyism: With the GOP it’s always back to the Fifties

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With the GOP it’s always back to the []

Lauren Boebert denies exchanging ‘explicitives’ with MTG on House floor

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Lauren and Marjorie, sittin’ in a []

Dr. Dre vs MTG was a battle we didn’t see coming

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Dr. Dre vs MTG was a battle we didn’t see []

Q patriots are encouraged by what they saw happening in Brazil

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Q patriots are encouraged by what they saw happening in []

MAGA-popular singer in a science museum: Dinosaurs are a hoax

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Science is []