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Q patriots crave the chaos and lethality of a major dam collapse because… freedom!

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All this waiting is killing us. Could we just have some dams fail and lots of people killed to tide us over while we wait for the []


Q patriots ready for 1776 re-do, but getting off the couch is tough, y’all

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Has your local Q patriot reached the breaking point yet? Trust the []

A company logo of an aardvark on a Covid testing truck has the Q-verse feeling antsy

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A company like Aardvark Mobile Health can’t put their Aardvark logo on their trucks without the Q-verse going []

Gates divorce announcement met with sympathy and sensitive reflection by Q patriots

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The divorce announcement by Melinda and Bill Gates was met with derision by Q patriots because they believe the couple was actually executed secretly by the deep state a few years ago, and because they believe Melinda, like nearly every powerful high-profile woman, is actually a []

Q patriots reassured that Space Force is keeping a close watch on the Arizona audit

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There’s nothing like a hit off your old gateway drug to bring back the good []

May Day arrived, and Q patriots tired of waiting are ready to burn it all down

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Another new month with no storm leads to hope for some patriots, despair for []

Q patriots can’t get enough of Lin Wood’s flights of fancy, Trump’s buffet cameos

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Patriots continue wrestle with their impending 5D []

Q patriots ponder: Will it hurt when we escape our 5G captors and ascend to the 5D rapture?

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Hubby not down with the storm? Divorce the m-fer []

Q patriots expect the raid on Rudy Giuliani to backfire on the Satanic Democrats

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The fed raid on Rudy Giuliani’s apartment was met with a mixture of patriot []

Q patriots on the CDC guidance on masks and the vaccine: ‘Kiss my American ass!’

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CDC guidance on masks? ‘Kiss my American []