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John McAfee’s strange death, building collapse in Miami: Is this the QAnon storm?

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John McAfee’s strange death in Spain and a condo building collapses in Miami — is this the storm or []


Ron ‘I am not Q’ Watkins enters a strange new phase of his post-unmasking life

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Patriots still dealing with Trump saying he didn’t win the 2020 election. How could that []

Q patriots are being urged to run for office, but some of them are already in office

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With all of the doubles and clones, who can keep track of how many popes there []

Sesame Street features gay couple in new episode and Q patriots are triggered

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Sesame Street included a gay couple on a special family episode, and the Q patriots are []

Q patriots spend a lot of time trying to rewrite what happened at the Capitol on January 6

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Another interesting archaelogical dig.


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my latest for @POLITICOMag, on how republicans came to view their cultural politics through the lens of a circa-1981 slobs-vs.-snobs comedy:

— Derek Robertson (@derek_j_rob) June 20, 2021

 Gab, rewriting history.


Gab has emailed its users a video []

After ‘Q: Into the Storm,’ Cullen Hoback continues to keep an eye on Ron Watkins

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Fun to see Cullen continuing to keep an eye on Ron…


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Ron playing a variation on a Q classic: Nothing can stop… the truth?

He also seems to be hoping his Jan 6th “MOAB” about Pence will explode like an info landmine people forgot []

Q patriots debate whether Mike Pence is just a pedophile or a pedophile who is also a traitor

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Q patriots appear to have strong opinions about the former vice []

UFOs? Don’t fall for the satanic Dems trying to distract from the Arizona audit, say patriots

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Trump telling Hannity that he lost the 2020 election caused barely a []

Q patriots ponder Putin’s water bottle placement on table with Biden: It’s a sign!

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Q patriots are surrounded by the brainwashed, and it’s a burden on []

Vaccines for kids? Q patriots wonder if it’s all part of China’s plan to wipe out the US

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The virus, the vaccine, and now kids: Can’t you libturds see what China’s plan is []