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Ron ‘Q’ Watkins gets his 300K followers wound up with claims about a whistleblower

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Ron Watkins (“CodeMonkeyZ”) may no longer be posting as ‘Q’, but yesterday he really started winding up his []


Q patriots despair over all this waiting and wonder, has it all been just a dream?

[Wake up, patriots?]

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Q patriots watch their family members get vaccinated and wonder if they’re living in a nightmare. []

Q patriots take a moment to look back on their journey in wonder

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Q patriots look back in []

When anti-mask, anti-vaxx activists come down with Covid, they figure it’s a bioweapon attack

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Our favorite Scientologist/QAnon crossover figure, “human rights” attorney Leigh Dundas, has been barnstorming the country on various speaking engagement tours. A couple of weeks ago, she made an appearance in Pennsylvania with a fellow Q patriot, Scott McKay, who has since become ill, and apparently with Covid. But he and []

ROY EDROSO: Conservatism is a death cult. But don’t turn away from it.

 Today on our look at the QAnon apocalypse, we have a special treat. Roy Edroso, our old colleague from the Village Voice, wrote a startling wake-up call about the state of this country this morning at his substack, which normally requires a subscription to read. He’s graciously given us permission to publish that essay here []

Q patriots figure ‘Delta Variant’ is a vaccination false flag, of course

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Turns out Q patriots are skeptical about this ‘delta []

Q patriots were not really thrilled with the Jan 6 Commission testimony yesterday

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Q patriots were somewhat skeptical about the January 6 Commission []

Lady Gaga makes pizza at home and Q patriots assume it’s confirmation of ‘Pizzagate’

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Q patriots pity the rest of us for being hypnotized []

Psaki says Biden ‘understands frustration’ about the unvaccinated, and Q patriots pounce

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The Satanists in Washington try to blame patriots for exercising []

Q patriots watch Tokyo Olympics and scan the news for more evidence the storm still coming

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Riddles in the []