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Boston Globe: QAnon may make fewer headlines, but it hasn’t gone anywhere

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Billionaire owners gag their newspapers for Trump’s benefit with days to the election

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Trump: USA is ‘garbage can of the world’

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Tucker Carlson: Trump is our daddy and he’s going to give libturds a spanking!

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Former defense secretary Kelly says Trump is a Hitler fanboy

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Q patriot electrifies fence to keep libturd Dumbocrats away from his Trump flag

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The Former Guy works the fry station, attends NFL game, will see you in the showers

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Trump admires Arnold Palmer’s 9-iron in Latrobe speech, NY Times demures

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Cat lady Taylor Swift trolling Vance as Obama goes after grandpa Trump

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Libturds are finished: ‘Sage and Silk’ is now on the MAGA beat

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