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Patriots are told to ignore everything else and focus on the audits — 2020 can still be won!

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Keep your eyes on the prize, the []


Q patriots were spurned by August, but will it be Trump Christmas in September?

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OK, so August was a bust. But September is the real Christmas, and Trump is Santa! Um, or []

Ron ‘Q’ Watkins says the time has arrived. Are you ready, patriot?

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Mother-daughter art is so []

Q patriots have now found the source of all their medical problems: Vaccinated libturds

[The covid virus and its spike proteins]

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The Dumbocrats all took the vaccine, and now the proteins they’re shedding are messing with the monthly flow of brave unvaxxed patriot []

Of course the election was stolen. It’s a fact, like flat Earth and aliens in Antarctica. Duh.

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Of course the 2020 election was stolen. It’s a natural fact, just like the Earth is flat and aliens live in Antarctica. []

While Trump tries to pull a Grover Cleveland, his followers aren’t ready to move on from 2020

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While Trump focuses on ’24, Q patriots aren’t ready to move []

Q patriot insight: Pork rinds and a Slim Jim help the horse dewormer go down

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Trick question. Donald Trump has never been in a grocery store in his []

Trump encourages comparisons to Patton, but Q patriots take it in bizarre directions

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Q patriots wrestle with shocking revelations about… um, we’re not []

Q patriots yearn for the return of a strong leader. Kim Jong-un, for example.

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Q patriots are loving the smarts of this []

Joe Rogan takes horse dewormer for Covid case, proving we live in the dumbest era ever

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Q patriots are not happy with []