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It’s been a rough year, but Q patriots ponder, ‘What has Q done for you?’

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Answering the question, “What has Q done for []


Sidney Powell keeps plugging away, but Q patriots start to wonder, is she the Kracken?

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Are Q patriots still buying what Sidney Powell is []

When a major Q supporter parachutes out of the madness, is it a sign others will follow?

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The friendly []

New Q grift: Patriots asked for money to overthrow state governments

[Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman, a/k/a Tore, of the Tore Says program]

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After the debacle of the Arizona audit, Q patriots struggle with their []

The ‘pandemic babies’ are here, and Q patriots are freaking out

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Q patriots debate the merits of “pandemic babies.” Future supermen, or []

Post-audit, Q patriots are focused on the libturd vaccine and fomenting rebellion

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With the Arizona audit a bust, patriots are left frustrated and []

Q may be missing, but at least patriots can count on good old Mickey Mouse

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Nothing like a good old fashioned Q decode to get the patriots []

Patriotic ninjas have stopped counting their fingers: Biden wins Arizona, again

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Q patriots struggle with the 11D chess being played by a funeral []

Q patriots don’t want anything to do with you libturd vampires and your impure blood

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Q patriots, pure as the driven []

Dating in the time of QAnon: Patriots bemoan the difficulty of mating in wartime

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It’s tough out []