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Covid’s deadly new variant just another Dumbocrat hoax, Q patriots figure

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Q patriots have thoughts on the new omicron []


Q patriots urged to stop the infighting and march toward the glorious goal!

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Q patriots worry that infighting is taking the focus off the satanic []

Alt right symbol of hate or satanic Dumbocrat high sign? Q patriots debate.

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 Alt right symbol of hate? Q patriots discuss whether the OK hand gesture is actually a sign of the satanic Dumbocrat []

Thanksgiving fell on JFK Jr’s birthday this year, and it was a party in Dallas

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Nothing like Thanksgiving to remind patriots how they’ve driven off every reasonable member of the []

Q patriots, while you munch turkey and stuffing, Canada is calling: To arms!

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Missing the big family gathering for God and []

The new White House Christmas ornament is here, and Q patriots are merry and bright

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The new White House Christmas ornament is here! Q patriots []

Kyle Rittenhouse interview leaves Q patriots confused: Was he a Dumbocrat psy-op after all?

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Q patriots are having some doubts about Kyle after he turned on Lin Wood. Could it all be a psy-op by the Dumbocrats after []

‘Physical death’ required for enlightenment, say smiling Q patriots

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Patriots remain divided over whether they live on a flat or spherical []

Q patriots counting on Nikola Tesla to come out with cancer-curing ‘med beds’ any day now

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Q patriots are on another []

Look who’s spreading anti-vaxx propaganda! Let’s go, Mets!

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With Rittenhouse acquitted, patriots were ready for a Kyle army to []