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Online, unvaxxed Q patriots freely commiserate (because they can’t breathe on each other)

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Online, unvaccinated Q patriots can freely commiserate (because they can’t breathe on each []


Was Alex Jones really attacked by his wife, or was she a crisis actor? (DYSWIDT?)

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Q patriots wish Trump would stop talking about 2022 or []

How do you cope waiting for your satanic Dumbocrat neighbors to be hauled away?

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While your Dumbocrat neighbors still haven’t been hauled off by the military to be executed as satanic child barbecuers, how do you fight off the []

Christmas hangover: Q patriots are still trying to deal with Trump’s vaccine boosterism

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While you were sipping egg []

QAnon promoters were wrong again and again in 2021: Here’s a rundown

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A look back at how wrong the Q crowd has been this year, skillfully brought together by Poker and []

‘Worst Christmas ever’: Q patriots aren’t feeling very merry and bright this year

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Q patriots are apparently not feeling very merry and bright this Christmas []

Q patriots still can’t believe you’re wearing a mask to protect yourself from a lethal virus

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A highly contagious new strain of a lethal virus is spreading fast around the world, but Q patriots are disappointed that people would wear masks to protect themselves from []

Flynn sues the Jan 6 committee to block being held in contempt

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Things are heating []

Trump says he got the booster shot, and it twists Q patriots in knots

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Trump says he got the booster, and it twists Q patriots in []

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Jan 6 a ‘fedsurrection’ at Arizona patriot hoedown

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Arizona continues to be a hotbed of []