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AZ rally: Q patriots know that Trump has to lie to them — Heck, that’s not even Trump (It’s JFK)

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Read between the lines, []


Q-dad and the JFK cult: Arizona rally was everything you were hoping it would be

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At what point is it time to give up on the []

OAN dumped: Hey, DirecTV, what’s your excuse for keeping Scientology TV?

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Stick by Donald, doomers. The storm is still []

Guns, hotel rooms, and sedition: The Jan 6 picture just got a lot more alarming

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Unhappy with the SCOTUS ruling upholding mandates for health care workers, Q patriots wonder when the med beds are []

Ron ‘Q’ Watkins headed to Trump rally in Arizona

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News item: “Minnesota’s affiliate is breaking away from the National School Boards Association in the wake of a controversial letter asking that federal law enforcement help protect school board members from angry []

Q is still everywhere, if you look, including in your state house

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Ray Epps denied to the Jan 6 committee that he had any tie to the FBI, but Ted Cruz has a reputation to repair with the Q patriots, []

Marjorie’s slinging horse paste on Instagram now as things continue to be peachy

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Q patriots have thoughts about []

Q patriots look at Putin and wistfully recall a time in this country when a man was a man

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Q patriots look at Vladimir Putin’s walk and wistfully recall a time in this country when a man was a []

Patriots, it’s not too late to join the attack on the Capitol — in Minecraft

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Is there a doctor in the []

That feeling when your universe-spanning alien conspiracy turns out to be a rock

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New spy film ‘355’ gets dumped to theaters in January, Hollywood’s traditional graveyard for turkeys, but Q patriots are sure it means the storm is coming, or []