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Ron ‘Q’ Watkins harangues Scottsdale school board with a side of sovereign citizen nuttery

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Is the storm here? Is the plan working? Q patriots are stunned by news coming out of []


Dumbest coup attempt in history: Masterminded by Texas bar owner?

[Phil Waldron]

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Take note, Q patriots: The plan has been changed from an EMP attack to []

Q patriots learn that despite their boycott NFL had its best viewership in 6 years

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Q patriots learn that after all their boycotting the NFL had its best viewership in six years. []

Arizona’s satanic Dumbocrats censure Sen. Sinema, and Q patriots have thoughts about it

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Arizona’s satanic Dumbocrats censure Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, and Q patriots have thoughts about []

When one of their own is struggling with the hoax virus, Q patriots swing into action

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When one of their own is struggling with the hoax virus, Q patriots swing into []

Lin Wood v Mike Flynn: Which side of the crazy are you on, Q patriots?

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Lin Wood v Mike Flynn: Which side of the crazy are you []

MTG thinks Justice Sotomayor is a crybaby about masks, and Q patriots love it

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MTG thinks Justice Sotomayor is a crybaby, and Q patriots love []

Right wing apocalypse: RINO hunters disrupt the GOP in OC, and OAN out for revenge

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Someone is feeling []

Jesus, Superman, and other fictional heroes: GOP’s Crenshaw steps in it and Q patriots react

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At a fundraiser, Houston’s GOP Congressman Dan Crenshaw didn’t like how an 11-year-old read back a quote of his in which he appeared to refer to Jesus Christ as a fictional character (along with Superman). It’s pretty obvious he didn’t mean it that way, but it’s the manner in which []

AZ rally: Q patriots know that Trump has to lie to them — Heck, that’s not even Trump (It’s JFK)

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Read between the lines, []