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Patriot logic: In 1997 JFK Jr predicted our QAnon future in George magazine

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Pence finally addressed Trump’s attacks about his role on Jan 6. And the Q patriots are…somewhat []


Canada’s QAnon queen raises her flag in Ottawa to a large crowd

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Patriot Voice (formerly QAnon John) gets some pushback on the latest []

Q patriots react to the news that the army is going to discharge its antivaxx soldiers

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Some disconcerting news for Q patriots who assume that the military is secretly on their side of []

Hope for your QAnon-obsessed mom: Get her hooked on word games

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How it’s []

Retired, relaxed, and batshit crazy: Spending your golden years waiting for ‘the storm’

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Waiting for the storm is tiring out some []

Trump says Pence could have overturned election: Patriots wrestle with Pence’s legacy

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Q patriots have a complex view of former Vice President Mike []

At Texas rally Trump calls for protests if he’s prosecuted criminally

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Patriot events competing with Trump rallies for attendance? What’s going on []

QAnon influencers spread antisemitic ‘blood libel’ garbage as there is no bottom

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With the omicron variant making monoclonal antibodies treatments obsolete, programs that deliver them are shutting down, and Q patriots have a case of the []

Trump declares himself 47th president (after Biden 46), and Q patriots are not happy

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While golfing, Trump said he was the “45th and 47th” US president, referring, apparently, to winning his way back into office in the 2024 presidential election. And Q patriots, who either assume Trump is still (secretly) president or should not give up on contesting the 2020 election, are not []

Justice stepping down, Q patriots excited that actual president Trump gets 4th pick

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A liberal SCOTUS justice stepping down only a year into Biden’s term means…Trump, the real president, gets a fourth pick for the []