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Once again, the satanic Super Bowl halftime show left Q patriots angry, confused, and upset

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Once again, the halftime show at the Super Bowl has left Q patriots angry, confused, and upset. Why do the satanic Dumbocrats insist on subjecting Americans to this kind of display? Can’t they think of the []


Sobbing influencer can’t believe her ‘large following’ can’t get her around jab requirement

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But I’m an influencer! I’m here to shoot []

Leigh Dundas gets her star turn at Talking Points Memo and we dig it

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As the Biden administration warns about an impending Putin invasion of Ukraine, Q patriots dismiss criticism of their man []

Q-loving soup lady: Maybe it’s time for blue states and red states to get a divorce

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 MTG: Maybe American states need a []

Trump’s social network is going to keep out vulgarities, and Q patriots are not happy

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Trump’s new social network is going to moderate to keep out vulgarities, and Q patriots are not happy about []

Joe Rogan apologizes for past racial slurs, and Q patriots are disappointed

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Joe Rogan apologizes for past racial slurs, and Q patriots seem let []

Q-Ron and Jake from State Pen: Finally, the connection that was meant to happen

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Ron ‘Q’ Watkins, running for office in Arizona, will seek out that great Arizonan, the Q Shaman, a/k/a Jake []

Oh, Canaduh: Q fever is turning our northern neighbor stupid

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As the Jan 6 committee focuses on the bizarre White House attempt to undo the 2020 election, more attention is being paid to Phil Waldron’s Powerpoint presentation, and its reliance on bogus but scientific-sounding claims made by Jovan Pulitzer, formerly Jeffry Jovan Philyaw, inventor of the CueCat barcode disaster of []

Trump responds to Pence’s criticism, and Q patriots know which side they’re on

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Trump responds to Pence’s criticism, and Q patriots know which side they’re []

Patriot logic: In 1997 JFK Jr predicted our QAnon future in George magazine

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Pence finally addressed Trump’s attacks about his role on Jan 6. And the Q patriots are…somewhat []