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How disinfo — like the ‘biolabs’ freakout — takes over the world at the speed of light

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Same company, different ship. And Q patriots are sure it’s filled with trafficked children on their way to DUMBs in America for satanic Dumbocrats to []


While ‘biolabs’ disinfo spreads, scientists calmly debunk it as alarmist garbage

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Further to the biolabs freakout, some Q patriots noticed that a few Ukrainian locations use a suffix that, transliterated from Cyrillic script, is rendered “-chyna” in English. This has set off some genius []

Q patriots back their man Vlad, but debate when he will help Trump take down the Deep State

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Q patriots continue to back their man Vlad, but when is he going to help Trump take down the Deep []

While Q patriots root him on, Putin is weaponizing TikTok

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Q patriots know not to let the “globalists” (hint, hint) distract them while their man Vlad is draining the swamp in []

Russia loves feeding our conspiracy-loving Q patriots, who lap it up with gusto

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Who do these doctors think they are trying to protect us from infectious diseases? []

Putin’s storm: Q patriots wise to why Trump pretending he’s not president for now

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It’s becoming clearer to the Q patriots why Trump had to pretend he’s not president for a little while, so his man Putin can begin the storm that’s going to overwhelm the satanic Dumbocrat []

Q patriots can’t understand why people are volunteering to fight their man Vlad

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Q patriots can’t understand why people from around the world are volunteering to fight their man []

Patriot DC convoy fizzles: Never have so many given so much for so little

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More fraud found in the 2020 election, but not the kind that Q patriots want to hear []

US convoy circles the Beltway, and are Q patriots finally getting wise to Leigh Dundas?

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Are Q patriots finally figuring out that Leigh Dundas is a thetan in sheep’s []

Convoy stalled, Truth Social stalled, while Q patriots keep eating out of Vlad’s hand

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It’s a Q []