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Ginni Thomas turns out to be red-pilled QAnon fruitcake, and that’s a serious problem

[Ginni Thomas and her husband, Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas]

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Texts show that Ginni Thomas, wife of SCOTUS justice Clarence Thomas (who didn’t recuse himself for cases related to the 2020 election) was actively encouraging the subversion of a presidential election. []


Mo Brooks: ‘President Trump asked me to rescind the 2020 elections, remove Joe Biden’

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It’s fun being smarter than everyone []

Q patriots in the DC convoy fantasize about World War Z, sparked by Putin

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Can someone check on the intern running the Space Force social media accounts? The hip hop reference (“major bag alert”) has the Q patriots []

Tracing the path that QAnon conspiracies travel to become mainstream disinfo

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The DC convoy is still happening enough for there to be discord, []

Slow rollout of Trump’s Truth Social continues to be a sore point for Q patriots

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The slow rollout of Truth Social continues to be a sore point for Q []

One of the tough things about being a Q patriot is being surrounded by so many normies

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One of the tough things about being a Q patriot is being surrounded by so many clueless []

Have the satanic Dumbocrats developed a space ray that is debilitating our brave Q patriots?

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Have the satanic Dumbocrats developed some kind of mass-effect de-energizing ray from their deep underground military bases or in high orbit that is debilitating our brave Q []

Circling the drain and starved for attention, the DC convoy turns mean

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Please pray for the []

Q patriots grok that Vlad had to destroy Ukraine to save it. Like Trump with the US.

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Q patriots understand that Vlad had to destroy Ukraine in order to save it. Sort of like what their man Trump had in mind for the []

Vlad’s real reason for invading Ukraine: To recover the space ark buried there

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Congress is considering whether to have President Biden declare that changing clocks every year is malarkey. And Q patriots figure that Q predicted it and it’s all part of the coming []