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QAnon-friendly pols creep closer to power over upcoming elections

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The US convoy is still a thing, believe it or not, and it’s a []


Ron ‘Q’ Watkins soldiers on, with only 11 Arizonans donating to his campaign

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After the McCarthy tape, for Q patriots it’s never been clearer: There is only []

‘He should resign’: What Kevin McCarthy really said about Trump after the Jan 6 riot

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Tape contradicts House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who claimed that he didn’t want Trump to resign following the Jan 6 riot. Turns out he did, at least []

Q patriots turn DC parachute panic to favorite topic: Murdering satanic Dumbocrat neighbors

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A brief misunderstanding about a parachuting stunt soon turns to Q patriots’ favorite topic: Murdering your satanic Dumbocrat []

Why rely on a free and safe vaccine when you can inject yourself with your own aged urine?

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The decision by a Trump-appointed judge to strike down the CDC’s mask mandate for public transit has the Q patriots feeling their []

Q patriots look forward to high-fiving as their satanic Dumbocrat neighbors get axed

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Q patriots look forward to the day they are high-fiving each other as the military is decapitating their satanic Dumbocrat neighbors. Good []

It’s like the satanic Dumbocrat reptilians aren’t even hiding it anymore

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Q patriots can get awfully worked up about the pope. []

Q patriot: Believe my crazy theory, but that other guy’s conspiracy is nonsense

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Q patriots are quick to believe rumors about the nefarious ways of Big Tech. (Make sure to check out the final []

For Q patriots there’s a conspiracy for everything, including why April 15 is tax day

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For Q patriots, there’s a conspiracy for everything, including why it’s April 15 that your tax return is []

Japanese version of QAnon pushing $20,000 ‘Tesla Cans’ for med beds

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Q patriots react to the ‘snake venom’ and ‘Satan’s DNA’ QAnon stories that percolated []