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Roe is toast: While the libturds play by the rules, the real patriots get things done

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The libturds say another Covid wave is building, but Q patriots aren’t falling for []


Q may no longer be posting, but his patriots are showing no sign of slowing down

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Sometimes it’s good simply to reflect on how much your life has been enriched by hating on the satanic []

Finally, a day in the UK so sunny, Q patriots can actually fret about chemtrails

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The Times does a deep dive into Tucker Carlson. []

Despite his troubles, Alex Jones can rely on generous right wing fans and crypto richies

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They’re coming for your hot pockets, []

When satanic Dumbocrats try to starve you out, got enough venison in the freezer, Q patriot?

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When the satanic Dumbocrats try to starve you out, do you have enough venison in the freezer to get you []

Ron ‘Q’ Watkins freshens up for candidate forum in Arizona, still going through the motions

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Q patriots are still trying to figure out of Elon is on their []

The Grand Old Conspiracy Party: Republicans keep playing footsie with Q patriots

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It’s awfully fun when Q patriots discover a new []

Q patriots buzzing over Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter: Will he restore Donnie?

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Q patriots are all a-twitter at the news that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter, perhaps paving the way for their man Trump’s glorious return to the platform. (Donnie himself says he’s sticking with his own Truth Social, for now []

Oh look, the satanic libturds stole another election, and Q patriots are not happy

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Oh look, the satanists stole another election, this time in []

QAnon-friendly pols creep closer to power over upcoming elections

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The US convoy is still a thing, believe it or not, and it’s a []