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The stars at night are big and bright, on the fourth day of Creation!

 Australian fires. African locusts. Worldwide plague. Do we live in Biblical times or what? If the world really is ending, we thought it was time to prepare properly for Armageddon. By, you know, reading the damn thing. The Bible, that is. (Go back to the beginning []


Fruit before man: The Creation gets this much right, at least

 Australian fires. African locusts. Worldwide plague. Do we live in Biblical times or what? If the world really is ending, we thought it was time to prepare properly for Armageddon. By, you know, reading the damn thing. The Bible, that is. (Go back to the beginning []

Is the pandemic right out of the Bible? Maybe we ought to, you know, read this thing

 Australian fires. African locusts. Worldwide plague. Do we live in Biblical times or what? And with preachers from one end of the globe to the other squawking that the coronavirus is right out of the Bible and that we should all be preparing for the end of the world, and with many of us bored []