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Tom Cruise doesn’t want you to visit his camera-heavy condo in Scientology’s mecca

 It’s fun to hear from Clay Irwin again, who sent us some snapshots. []


Is Tom Cruise buying up downtown Clearwater to create a Scientology entertainment mecca?

[Tom Cruise and the Skyview in downtown Clearwater]

Clay Irwin signed a deal today to sell his downtown Clearwater bar, the Lucky Anchor, after a little less than two years operating a watering hole in the shadow of Scientology’s spiritual []

Scientology’s ‘Block Party’ today in Clearwater: Sending a message to the Lucky Anchor?

[Clay Irwin is surrounded!]

It’s a warm Saturday afternoon in Clearwater, Florida. Are you nearby? Got a thirst that needs quenching? In a mood for a little Scientology watching as well?

We have just the []