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War in Ukraine: What does it mean for Scientology there and in Russia?

 Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine has had drastic consequences for millions of people, most obviously the ten million Ukrainians who are now refugees. The Russian people also face imminent hardship as Western sanctions take effect. Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers have already ‘mobilised’ in Ukraine’s westerly neighbour to aid (or exploit) the wave of refugees fleeing the []


Why does Scientology lie about founder L. Ron Hubbard’s supposed war wounds?

 Veterans Day 2021 showed once again that Scientology spokespeople continue to lie about L. Ron Hubbard’s questionable war record. As the Bunker reported on November 30, Clearwater Scientology spokesperson Pat Harney put out a press release to mark Scientology’s involvement in a Veterans Day event in Clearwater. She claimed that Hubbard – a US Navy []

Russia’s latest strategy to curb Scientology: Shut down the money pipeline

[A WISE conference in Russia in 2015]

Scientology faces new restrictions in Russia following an announcement by the Office of the Prosecutor General (GPRF). In a Telegram post on 24 September, the GPRF []

‘Global psychiatric obliteration’: Scientology’s ongoing war on psychiatry

[Kirstie Alley and Kelly Preston attacking the psychs]

Chris Owen concludes his three-part series on Scientology’s war on psychiatry today. Make sure you don’t miss part one and part two.

Scientology continues to battle psychiatry to this day, but its ‘war’ has shifted focus and tactics since David Miscavige took over as its leader in the 1980s. []

Defeating the ‘Satan worshippers’: Scientology’s secret war on doctors

Historian Chris Owen’s deep dive into Scientology’s war on the mental health profession continues with part two today. Please see his dynamite part one from yesterday.

 In parallel with its overt anti-psychiatry campaign detailed in part one of our series, Scientology also conducted a covert campaign against medical doctors. As far back as the early 1950s, []

First, do harm: Scientology’s secret war on mental health

 We’re happy to say that today begins another epic dive into Scientology by historian Chris Owen. Today, part one of his three-part look at Scientology and its war on the mental health industry.

 Few things in Scientology have been more of a constant than its campaign against psychiatry and mental health organisations. L. Ron Hubbard and []

For Memorial Day: Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s bogus war injuries

 As on past Memorial Day holidays, we think it’s important to remind readers about Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s ‘stolen valor,’ because part of his legend were the tall tales he told about his experiences in the Second World War. Historian Chris Owen, a regular contributor here at the Bunker, took apart Hubbard’s war myths []

Inside a PR mutiny: How Scientology’s war on Prozac backfired in spectacular fashion

 (A note from Chris: Many thanks to the benefactors whose generosity has been essential in covering the cost of the research subscriptions that enabled me to write this article (and much more besides). If readers would like to help contribute towards further research, please see my Patreon page. Thank you for your continued support!)

Scientology’s public []

Scientology in Russia, a series by historian Chris Owen, part 3: The current crackdown

[Ivan Matsitsky in custody]

For some time now we’ve been nudging historian Chris Owen to help us understand what is going on with Scientology in Russia. We’ve seen news reports about numerous police raids of orgs there, and we’ve read about a prosecution involving some real estate fraud, but what are we to think about []

Scientology in Russia, a series by historian Chris Owen, part 2: The Putin years

[If it’s Russia, it must be a raid]

For some time now we’ve been nudging historian Chris Owen to help us understand what is going on with Scientology in Russia. We’ve seen news reports about numerous police raids of orgs there, and we’ve read about a prosecution involving some real estate fraud, but what are we []