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VIDEO: ‘Chicago Fire’ star Christian Stolte’s tribute to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard

 If you were with us in Chicago for HowdyCon this weekend, you know that a real highlight was Chicago Fire star Christian Stolte’s appearance during our Saturday night []


Coming soon, our collaboration with ‘Miss Lovely’ herself, Paulette Cooper!

 During the main event at HowdyCon in Chicago, we revealed there’s a new book coming soon which we’re pretty excited []

Scientology watchers, start making your plans for HowdyCon 2018 in the Windy City!

It’s awfully cold here in New York for the new year, but we want you to start thinking about the summer solstice and consider joining us for our annual meet-up!

In 2016, we held our first “HowdyCon” meeting, and this June we’ll be going for convention number three in one of our favorite cities on the []