Margery Wakefield surprised us this week by sending us a new affidavit that she decided to put into the public record.
We certainly remembered an affidavit she made in 1993. Margery had startling things to say about working as a volunteer for Scientology’s intelligence operations, the Guardian’s Office, back in the 1970s and early 1980s.
Now, she’s revealed even more about her time in Scientology. And though she says it was difficult for her, this time she’s going public with a shocking part of her past: she says the Church of Scientology forced her to have six abortions during her time as a member.
We told Margery that we felt honored that she’d allow the Underground Bunker to make her new affidavit public. We asked her for just a few words about her current situation to help set up her new document.
“I live in Colorado. I’m a retired social worker. I’m an avid critic of the Church of Scientology. But I’m always willing to dialogue with anyone. Please give out my e-mail address. [ ] I can answer questions about the inner workings of the church,” she told us.
We asked what changes she’s seen in Scientology since her affidavit from 20 years ago.
“I don’t think OSA has changed much from the Guardian’s Office I worked in,” she said, referring to the church’s current intelligence service — the Office of Special Affairs — which replaced the GO after it was disbanded in 1981.
“The management of the church is certainly different. I think that it’s more dangerous in some ways than it was 20 years ago. In other ways it’s less dangerous. So overall I think it’s about the same,” she said. “Their object is still to take over the world, to clear the planet. And they’ll go to any lengths to do that.”
Margery has been making a series of new videos that act out Scientology processes. If you’ve ever wondered what Training Routines and auditing look like, go there for a look. She also has a new book out, and she’s working on more.
Now, without further ado, here is Margery Wakefield’s newest testimony…
I, Margery Wakefield, hereby state:
That I was a member of the Church of Scientology from October 1968 until February 1980.
That I was at times a public preclear, paying for services.
I also, in 1969, joined the inner organization of Scientology, the Sea Organization, and signed a billion year contract to work for the organization.
That the most I ever received in weekly wages for an approximately 110/hour per week work week was $11.60.
That if I were to be paid at minimum wage for time worked for Scientology, the “Church” would owe me approximately $500,000.
That I spent approximately $60,000 for services while in Scientology. I completed all the lower levels of Scientology, and was on OT5, then called New Era Dianetics for OT’s, when I left Scientology.
That I, in fact, worked as slave labor while in Scientology.
That I became pregnant six times in Scientology, and was forced to have six abortions. I was sent to California social services to arrange the abortions, then given bus fare and an address of an abortion clinic, and told not to come back until the abortion was completed.
When I became pregnant after I had left Scientology, I had a miscarriage and was told I could not have children because of the damage done during these abortions. I have no natural children.
That I observed on various occasions the treatment of children in Scientology, especially children of Sea Org parents, and that the treatment of children in Scientology was abysmally poor. Children were warehoused in Scientology with none of the usual trappings of childhood. Children were devalued in Scientology as “beings in little bodies.” That most of the Sea Org children were not sent to public school or home schooled, and most Sea Org children did not attend a Scientology school.
That the living conditions I endured in Scientology were substandard, filthy, and roach infested.
That while in Scientology in 1979-1980, I did volunteer work for the Guardian’s Office, now renamed the Office of Special Affairs, or OSA.
I was shown official “bulletins” and “policy letters” of Scientology, teaching me to do the following things: break into buildings, use a credit card to break into a Xerox machine, steal documents, burn incriminating documents in a designated “Red Box” if we were invaded by the police or the FBI. I was also taught to lie according to a policy letter called Training Routine Lie. I was coached on lying to the press, to authorities, and in court.
When I was working in the Washington, DC organization, I was at one time given the task of breaking and entering into the nearby headquarters of the American Psychiatric Association and steal membership and financial records, which I did.
Later, I was given the supposedly confidential preclear folders of a potential defector from Scientology named Michael Meisner. I was told to go through the folders and to earmark any entries having to do with sexual or financial misconduct that could be used against him.
I was also given the task of going through all the private detective notes gathered on US Attorney Raymond Banoun, who was one of the attorneys involved in the case against Scientology. I was told to earmark any damaging material that could be used to discredit him or to blackmail him, such as sexual or financial misconduct.
That while doing all these activities against Meisner and Banoun, I participated in a meeting in the Guardian’s Office in which two murders were planned. The plans were to take Michael Meisner to sea and “deep-six” him, in other words to tie chains to him and throw him overboard. Also, a writer critical of Scientology named Paulette Cooper was to be shot in the head. We were told in the meeting that these two individuals were endangering the future of Scientology on this planet, and that according to the Scientology policy “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics,” they had to be killed. Whether these murders were carried out, I do not know, but I believe Paulette Cooper is still alive.
That when I was in Scientology, I was quite familiar, and took seriously, the Scientology policy called Routine 2-45, in which a person was to be shot in the head by a Colt 45. On two occasions I read policy letters in Scientology in which R2-45 was ordered to be carried out on a list of persons.
That in February of 1980, I was offloaded, or excommunicated, from Scientology. I was held against my will under guard for a month in the Fort Harrison Hotel in Cleawater, Florida in a room on the second floor. After a month, I was taken under guard to the airport, and flown under guard to Madison, Wisconsin, and deposited at my parents’ house. I was not allowed to return to Scientology.
A year and a half later, when I threatened to sue Scientology, I was held in a motel against my will in Madison, Wisconsin, and my life was threatened unless I signed a document agreeing not to sue Scientology. After I signed the document, my life was again threatened.
While living in Tampa, Florida, I was met after work several times, and my life was again threatened.
On one occasion, I returned home to my apartment at night, to find the apartment door broken into, and blood dripping down my bedroom wall. This was a clear message to me from Scientology.
Since these events, I have been a vocal critic of Scientology. I have written three books about Scientology. I have appeared on radio and television talking about Scientology. Presently I am making Youtube videos demonstrating the auditing practices of Scientology. I am currently writing a fourth book about the treatment of children in Scientology.
I will be satisfied when Scientology has made amends for all its past practices, including paying minimum wage to all persons who have worked as slave labor for Scientology, and making amends to the families they have harmed, including the families of persons who have committed suicide while under the influence of Scientology.
Margery Wakefield
We can assure Margery that Paulette Cooper is very much still alive. Margery tells us that the meeting where the murder of Cooper was discussed took place was in 1979, six years after Scientology had managed to get Cooper indicted for fake bomb threats the church mailed to itself. In 1979, Cooper was attempting to get her hands on documents describing her frame-up which were discovered by the FBI in a raid that took place in 1977.
The other person whose murder she heard being plotted, Michael Meisner, was a Scientology operative who had been a key part of Operation Snow White, helping the church burglarize government offices over a period from 1973 to 1976. He then became a key witness for the government. Ray Banoun was the assistant US Attorney in charge of prosecuting the 11 Scientologists charged in that infiltration of government offices. All eleven were convicted and served prison sentences. The Guardian’s Office was then disbanded and replaced by the Office of Special Affairs.
Thank you, Margery, for your remarkable testimony.
Scientology’s “Disconnection” in the OC
Yesterday, former church member Cindy Plahuta — who now lives in Colorado — posted this photo of her daughter, which appeared on a website for Scientology in Orange County, California.
Here’s what Cindy wrote about it…
“This is my daughter, who is on staff at South Coast Mission of Scientology. She has been told by the ‘church’ to shun me and never speak to me again. I hope all my friends and family see this photo and let South Coast Mission know how evil it is for a ‘church’ to destroy the love between a mother and a daughter…”
Posted by Tony Ortega on April 22, 2013 at 07:00
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