Some links to Q-related items today…
Patriots wrestled with the Supreme Court letting them down once again.

Here’s a court strategy: “My friend is an idiot.”
“My friend is an idiot.”
A longtime buddy of Jessica Watkins asked a judge to release her pretrial, saying Watkins was "brainwashed by those deeply entrenched in conspiratorial beliefs” and the her "feelings outpaced her brain."
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) February 23, 2021
Countering extremism maybe isn’t so easy.
Characterically great episode of @onthemedia this week on the techniques and challenges of countering violent extremism.
"Deradicalization" is a worthy project that offers some proven tactics, but it has a complicated and checkered history.
— Travis View (@travis_view) February 22, 2021
Ted Gunderson? Whoo boy, we have our own experience with that nutball…
When people talk about precursors to QAnon, more mention might possibly be made of Ted Gunderson, a high-ranking FBI agent who after he retired got involved in variety of anti-government conspiracy theories, some of which had QAnon-like notions.
— Mark Pitcavage (@egavactip) February 22, 2021
Looking for some background on the QAnon movement? We recommend Travis View’s excellent recent article at New York magazine as a place to start.
THE LOWDOWN is our blog for news, the QAnon phenomenon, and other subjects not related to our coverage of the Church of Scientology. If it’s our Scientology coverage you’re looking for, please use this bookmark for our latest stories.
Posted by Tony Ortega on February 23, 2021 at 9:30