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Doomsday family lived in basement for 9 years waiting for the end of the world

Very disturbing and confusing story coming out of the Netherlands today about a group of seven people who have been living in a farm’s basement for the past nine years waiting for the world to end.

A 58-year-old man was apparently the leader of this odd assemblage, and the other six were siblings, children of a woman who had died at some point. The youngest is an adult now at 18, but would have been only 9 when the group went down into its bunker to wait for Armageddon.

The story broke because the oldest of the siblings, a 25-year-old, had had enough, left the farm, went down to the local pub, and drank five beers. He then said he needed help, and police were called and he told the strange story about his family.

Obviously, a lot of questions need to be answered about these poor kids who grew up in a basement, and what kind of shape they’re in. The small farm had vegetables and a goat, but it’s not clear how they survived so long, or what sort of ideas had compelled them to believe the world was ending. We’ll be interested to learn more.


Our favorite detail: The local postman was interviewed, and he now realizes that it was a bit strange that he’d never delivered a single piece of mail to the house.

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