Hey, it’s nice to get to our weekly feature, Sunday Funnies, when we can sit back and watch our great commenters take apart the latest fundraising fliers put out by Scientology.
Our tipsters have another fun collection for us this week, and as always we’ll be looking for interesting patterns or wacky new theme-party ideas.
We’re going to start with another example of successful “safepointing” of a local figure with an event put on by a Scientology front group. In this case, it’s the “Volunteer Ministers” — the yellow-jacketed folks Scientology flies in to disaster areas to hand out recruitment literature and get in the way of first responders with their faith-healing juju.
The VMs are putting on a “Disaster Preparedness” expo at the Los Angeles Ideal Org (part of the “Big Blue” PAC Base complex on Sunset Boulevard), which seems really appropriate because nothing says “disaster” right now like PAC base.
And the church has managed to attract a member of the Los Angeles Fire Department, a Captain John Ignatczyk, to be a part of it. We’re sure he knows what he’s getting into, right? (And thanks to @IndieScieNews for the tip.)

How many of you think Inglewood, Pasadena, or Orange County are really going “Saint Hill Size” anytime soon?
Hey, somebody bought an $800 T-shirt!
Dave Wells tells us that this society can and will be salvaged!
We sure hope we get some party pics from this event last night in Orlando!
OT’s come in 2 billion megawatt versions now? Take our money!
How many more years of begging before something actually gets done to the Valley Ideal Org?
“As I progressed through the rundown I had a release of toxins and the masses connected to them. They are not plastered to my beingness any longer.” Hooray!
How many Sea Org members have walked by the cafe on L. Ron Hubbard Way, wishing they could have just a bite of one of these steaks!
And finally, hey wait, that’s Dave Wells again! And this time he has an alias with a very Guardian’s Office-sounding name! Does this mean Kansas City got two checks out of Dave this week, or just one?
Thanks again to our great tipsters!
Bonus photos from our tipsters
Hey, Jenna, where’d you go last night? Anyone know? Was it Scientology-related?
We think this was taken Friday night at Flag graduation. See the Jive Aces in the background?
Oh wait, you mean CCHR had an after party for its annual gala? Who knew shattering the psychs could be so damn fun?
Scientologists are using social media more than ever. Drop us a line if you spot them posting images to Instagram or Facebook!
Posted by Tony Ortega on March 1, 2015 at 07:00
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Learn about Scientology with our numerous series with experts…
BLOGGING DIANETICS: We read Scientology’s founding text cover to cover with the help of LA attorney and former church member Vance Woodward
UP THE BRIDGE: Claire Headley and Bruce Hines train us as Scientologists
GETTING OUR ETHICS IN: Jefferson Hawkins explains Scientology’s system of justice
SCIENTOLOGY MYTHBUSTING: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts
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