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Scientology Sunday Funnies: The Road to Clear!

We have to hand it to our tipsters. Not only have they come through yet again, but we’ve heard from our Australia sources after things had gone quiet Down Under for some time.

On Sundays, we like to share with you the Scientology fliers and mailers that have been forwarded to us during the week. It gives us a good idea of what’s happening up to the minute for church members, who are constantly being hit up for cash.

Let’s take a look at the come-ons that arrived this week!

By the looks of it, Friday night’s IAS Party at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre was a rager. Did you take the opportunity to up your status?


Hey, who doesn’t want to be a published author? And as long as you’re going to have your book idea critiqued, who doesn’t have time for a Life Improvement Course?

Look — more homo novi going Clear! Thanks to our tipster for sending along this ASHO newsletter. It’s the bomb!

Last week, we noted that we hadn’t heard from our Australian sources in a while. Well, this really makes up for it. An Aussie forwarded to us this e-mail, which spells out how this year’s IAS shakedown is happening Down Under…

There are 2 parts to the IAS event – it is a weekend package!

The first part is the IAS event itself, and here are the details:

• There is a very specific ANZO feature – a whole story on Shelley Wilkins and CCHR ANZO and what they have done to ruin the plans of the Aussie psyche, Patrick McGorry.

• There is a specific feature on our own VM Goodwill tour in the Pacific, with incredible footage of incredible wins on the pioneer front lines of dissemination!

There is also a new CCHR release that gives the whole history of psychiatry – fully exposing Basic-Basic in Germany. This release exposes the shocking truth and is going to drive the psyches crazy!

• This year we have another release on film — it’s a very powerful dissemination tool which is something a lot of people have been waiting for. I can’t tell you what it is, it’s better you come and see it for yourself.

• This event is for ANYONE and EVERYONE. It is completely OK to bring your friends and family along! In the UK they had many new people and they were VERY impressed with our event.

• You will see the beautiful IAS sponsored org of Tel Aviv, our first Ideal Org in the Middle East

The IAS event is being held at the org on Saturday 3rd November starting at 6:30pm.

Please bring a plate.

Regarding Part 2 – Due to the amount of news on the 4th Dynamic campaigns they had to do another entire event to complete the whole picture. You will see an excerpt from the CCHR release, an excerpt from the newly released dissemination tool, the utterly unbelievably huge actions being taken on dissemination – and much more. This totally gives you the picture on how we are clearing the planet – in present time. The event shows you what we have done and Part II shows you where we are going.

This is our 4th Dynamic Action Briefing and will be held on Sun 4th November at 1:00 pm

Can you imagine the impact of ALL Scientologists launched in the direction of taking out the psychs and moving forward ALL of our 4th dynamic campaigns and programs!

You cannot miss this.

You are invited for both. Please RSVP to Joie on 3355 1406 or the org on 3217 1835

Thank You

Gosh, that sounds exciting.

Thanks again to our tipsters. Keep those mailers coming!

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